Open Innovation: A QUT Research Symposium

Matthew Rimmer
20 min readNov 11, 2019


Open Innovation:

A QUT Research Symposium

Presented by QUT Faculty of Law Intellectual Property and Innovation Law Research Program

Thursday, 24 October 2019

9:00 am to 5:00 pm

S1215, Owen J. Wordsworth Room (Gardens Point)

QUT Gardens Point Campus


This research symposium is dedicated to the topic of open innovation. This event will provide a focal point for Open Access Week in Brisbane, Queensland for 2019. The theme for Open Access Week is ‘Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge’.

This symposium will consider the relationship between copyright law, contract law, and scholarly publishing, and the clash between proprietary and open access models. It will explore the evolution of open licensing — from Free Software and Open Source Software to the burgeoning Creative Commons movement. The symposium will preview the forthcoming Supreme Court of the United States case between Carl Malamud and Public, and the State of Georgia over copyright law and access to justice.

This conference will examine the debate over public education and access to knowledge. It will consider the efforts to provide open educational resources for students. This event will examine larger questions of digital inclusion. In particular, it will focus upon recent copyright law reform in respect of disability rights at a national and an international level. It will consider larger questions about the relationship between open access, education and sustainable development. This event will also highlight the tensions between copyright law, database protection, and open data.

This symposium will investigate the rise of open innovation — both in the context of public research and new business models. It will chart the movements of Open Agriculture, Open Biology, Open Medicine, Open Neuroscience and Open Science. It will examine how the strategies of open licensing have been deployed as an alternative to proprietary models of protection under patent law and trade secrets. It will also investigate the use of open licensing in the context of the environment, biodiversity, and climate change.

The event features speakers from QUT, the University of Queensland, the University of the Sunshine Coast, Bond University, the University of Canberra, and Griffith University. The presenters will cover a range of disciplines — including law, the creative industries, design, science and technology, robotics, political science, and international relations.


In keeping with the spirit of Reconciliation, we acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands where QUT now stands — and recognise that these have always been places of teaching and learning. We wish to pay respect to their Elders — past, present and emerging — and acknowledge the important role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to play within the QUT community.


Session 1


Paula Callan (QUT Library)

Since 2003, Paula Callan has been actively engaged in encouraging the uptake of innovations in scholarly publishing, particularly those related to open access, at the institutional, national and international level. In 2004, she led the implementation of QUT’s very successful open access repository, QUT ePrints. At the time, it was the first such repository in the world to be backed by an institution-wide open access ‘mandate’. Similar policies now exist at many other universities around the world.

In 2008, Paula was appointed by the ARC (Australian Research Council) to be a member of the Indicators Development Group for the first round of ERA (Excellence in Research for Australia).

In collaboration with members of the OAK Law Project Team, Paula was involved in the development of OAKList; a publicly available database of information about publishers’ open access policies and the rights retained by authors under the terms of the copyright transfer agreements used by Australian scholarly publishers. When it was released in 2009, OAKList was an important resource for Australian academic authors and repository managers. Subsequently, the data was transferred to Sherpa-RoMEO, an international version of OAKList.

Between 2008–2013, Paula was QUT Library’s eResearch Access Coordinator. While in this role, she helped develop and implement the University’s first training program on research data management. The program was designed to provide researchers with the tools and knowledge needed to ensure their data was not just safely stored but also could (where appropriate) be made discoverable and accessible.

In her current role as Scholarly Communications Librarian, Paula still has oversight of QUT ePrints but also supports a number of other open access publishing related services including the eJournal Hosting Service which supports a number of high-quality peer reviewed open access journals published here at QUT.

Open Education

Not a Simple Relationship: Ensuring that Open Scholarship Maximises Equity and Benefit across Education

Professor Virginia Barbour (QUT)


This year’s theme of “Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge” has brought into sharp focus the long term aims of open scholarship — as not the end game, but as a means to an end. This is good time therefore to reflect on how openness can support equity for users and producers of open educational resources and tools, and also to reflect on challenges that remain.


Professor Virginia (Ginny) Barbour is Director of the Australasian Open Access Strategy Group, and advisor to the library and the Office of Research Ethics & Integrity at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). In 2004 she was one of the three founding editors of PLOS Medicine, and became Editorial Director for Medicine and Biology at PLOS. She has participated in many publishing and ethics initiatives, currently including the DORA International Advisory board and NHMRC’s Research Quality Steering Committee.

Open Access

The Impact of the Marrakesh Treaty on the Print Disabled in the Global South

Dr Paul Harpur (UQ) with Michael Ashley Stein (Harvard Law School)


Coupled with the expansion of low cost screen readers, digital format E-Books have made worldwide reading equality an achievable dream. Nevertheless, copyright laws, industry practices and lack of political will have resulted in a book famine that prevents persons with print disabilities across the globe from reading. The book famine is serious in the Global North, and pervasively detrimental in much of the Global South. Certainly, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), in combination with the Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled (Marrakesh Treaty), have transformed international law. But will these human rights matter in practise? This presentation draws upon a chapter Dr Harpur has written with Professor Michael Ashley Stein that analyses the new sharing model and reflects on its potential impact.

See — Paul Harpur and Michael Ashley Stein, ‘The Relevance of the CRPD and Marrakesh Treaty to the Global South’, in Michael Ashley Stein & Jonathan Lazar (Eds.), Accessible Technology and the Developing World, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.


Dr Paul Harpur is a leading international and comparative disability rights legal academic having held visiting positions with the Centre for Disability Law and Policy, Institute for Lifecourse & Society, National University of Ireland, Galway and with the Burton Blatt Institute, College of Law, Syracuse University, New York. Following his work at Syracuse University, Dr Harpur has been appointed an International Distinguished Fellow with the Burton Blatt Institute. He is the holder of a prestigious Fulbright Future Scholarship entitled “Universally Designed for Whom? Disability, the Law and Practice of Expanding the “Normal User”.

He has legal practice and teaching expertise in teaching anti-discrimination laws, human rights, labour laws and work health and safety laws.

Dr Paul Harpur’s focus on disability inclusion forms part of a group of world leading scholars across The University of Queensland who, individually and collectively, advance ability equality and promote the full realization of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all persons with disabilities. He chairs the UQ Disability Inclusion Group which supports the university in its implimentation of the UQ Disability Action Plan. Dr Harpur received a commendation in the 2019 UQ Awards for Excellence for his service to promoting disability inclusion and the UQ DIG received the highest accolade in the diversity category, the UQ Award for Excellence.

Dr Harpur’s recent monograph, Discrimination, Copyright and Equality: Opening the E-Book for the Print Disabled (2017) Cambridge University Press analyses the interaction between anti-discrimination and copyright laws. Dr Harpur has also led a range of projects, including an International Labour Organization project assessing labour rights in the South Pacific, including a particular focus on the rights of persons with disabilities.

Dr Harpur has a mixture of practice and research experience, having formerly practiced as a lawyer and continuing to work as an industrial relations special advisor in a national private practice, IRIQ Law, as a special advisor. Dr Harpur is active on boards and promoting the rights of persons with disabilities, as well as the rights of persons with disabilities to use assistance animals. He also regularly appears in the news speaking on disability law and policies.

Outside the law, Dr Harpur has previously been a professional athlete with a disability, competing in the 2000 Sydney and 2004 Athens Paralympics, the 2002 Manchester and 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games and a range of other World Titles and international competitions.

Dr Harpur’s publications and speeches can be found on his Google Scholar page. Further information can be found on his Linkedin page.

Open Law

Georgia on my Mind: Carl Malamud, Public.Resource.Org, Copyright Law, Government Edicts, and Access to Justice

Professor Matthew Rimmer (QUT Faculty of Law)


This presentation previews the Supreme Court of the United States case of Georgia v. Public.Resource.Org. In 2013, (Public Resource) scanned all the volumes of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, and uploaded the documents to its website to be made freely available to the public. In 2015, the State of Georgia obtained an injunction against Public Resource in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia for infringing Georgia’s copyright in the code’s annotations. In 2018, the Eleventh Circuit reversed this ruling, and held that ‘no valid copyright interest can be asserted in any part of the [code].’ The State of Georgia has appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States. According to, the Supreme Court of the United States will consider whether ‘the government edicts doctrine extends to — and thus renders uncopyrightable — works that lack of the force of law, such as the annotations in the Official Code of Georgia.’ There have been a plethora of submissions by friends of the court to the Supreme Court of the United States. The State of Georgia was supported by a number of states, the Software & Information Industry Association, and the LexisNexis Group. Public Resource has been supported by a coalition of libraries, copyright law reformers, and government accountability organisations. Next generation legal research platforms and databases and digital accessibility advocates have also supported Public Recourse. One of the most powerful submissions was by 119 students, 54 solo and small-firm practitioners of law, and 21 legal educators. This brief argued that ‘all amici are harmed when the creation of tools for reading, using, and analyzing the law are hobbled by a copyright system that is meant to encourage creation, not regulate civic access to government.’ This case will have important implications in respect of open access to government records and legal matters.


Dr Matthew Rimmer is a Professor in Intellectual Property and Innovation Law at the Faculty of Law, at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). He is a leader of the QUT Intellectual Property and Innovation Law research program, and a member of the QUT Digital Media Research Centre (QUT DMRC) the QUT Australian Centre for Health Law Research (QUT ACHLR), and the QUT International Law and Global Governance Research Program (QUT IP IL).

Rimmer has published widely on copyright law and information technology, patent law and biotechnology, access to medicines, plain packaging of tobacco products, intellectual property and climate change, and Indigenous Intellectual Property. As a chief investigator of an ARC Project on intellectual property and 3D printing. Rimmer is currently working on research on intellectual property, the creative industries, and 3D printing. He is a co-editor of 3D Printing and Beyond: Intellectual Property and Regulation. He has also been researching intellectual property and trade, looking at the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, and the Trade in Services Agreement. His work is archived at QUT ePrints SSRN Abstracts Bepress Selected Works.

Session 2


Professor Matthew Rimmer (QUT Faculty of Law)

Open Culture

The Intergenerational Cultural Implications of Automated Regulatory Technologies in Digital Media Environments

Dr Joanne Gray (QUT DMRC and the Creative Industries Faculty)


A diverse and highly generative culture must first be an open culture. We can only create and contribute to culture when we have freedom to play with existing ideas, techniques and resources. The development and deployment of algorithmic regulatory technologies, particularly those used to filter content and enforce copyright on the internet, substantially reduce levels of openness in critical social and cultural spaces and threaten to restrict cultural openness for generations to come. We should be very concerned by policymakers’ apparent embrace of and demand for the adoption of these technologies. The most recent European Union copyright directive, for example, in effect strongly incentivises platforms to deploy automated system to monitor for copyright infringement, and is regarded by some a viable and sensible policy model for other jurisdictions and subject matter. As automated regulatory technologies evolve, and if they are applied more broadly, we must examine and anticipate the intergenerational cultural implications.


Dr Joanne Gray is a Lecturer in the Creative Industries Faculty at QUT specialising in the regulation of digital media environments. Gray has also worked in the Australian music industry for over a decade, predominantly as an artist manager, progressing the careers of Australian recording and performing artists in Australia and internationally. Her forthcoming monograph Google Rules: The History and Future of Copyright under the Influence of Google will be available through Oxford University Press in January 2020.

Open Cities

Open Cities: Openness as a basis for Trustworthiness in Smart Cities

Brydon Timothy Wang (QUT)


The proliferation of sensors in the built environment has given us an unprecedented ability to aggregate large data sets and model the physical assets of our cities.

These digital replicas are called ‘Digital Twins’ and allow us to utilise real-time inputs to simulate the effect of any changes made to our cities and inform our decision-making processes.

In 2018, the UK Digital Framework Task Group put forward 9 Gemini Principles. These principles articulate an ethical framework to ensure that development of digital models serve the public’s interests, creates valuable insights and economic benefit. The principles also serve to establish the technical expectations of these digital twins. But more importantly, the principles of openness and accountability are espoused to set in place trusted systems for how data is collected, owned and transferred, analysed and used to drive decision-making. As these digital systems and the urban data they rely on play an increasing role in decision-making in urban design, we must consider the principles of openness and accountability, and the other Gemini Principles, through a lens of trustworthiness.


Brydon is a technology and construction lawyer who is passionate about smart city technology, infrastructure delivery and new ways people can come together to live, work and play. He has a previous career in architecture and co-edited a book on Large Floating Structures, exploring environmentally-sustainable technologies that allow cities to expand onto adjacent water bodies. Prior to coming to the law, Brydon was a Project Manager with the Public Transport Authority (WA) and worked as a Contracts Administrator in a number of leading commercial construction firms. Brydon also teaches at the School of Law in QUT and the School of Architecture at the University of Queensland. Brydon is currently researching the legal implications of emerging trusted autonomous systems, particularly machine superintendence in construction contracts.

Open Additive Manufacturing

3D Printing, Sustainable Development and Openness: The Importance of Open-Source to Enable Disruptive Solutions in the 21st Century

Samuel Lobao (QUT)


Based on my current research into the potential of utilising 3D printing as leveraging technology for achieving sustainable development goals, this presentation will highlight the importance of open-source innovation in order to consolidate this interface. In the last decade, this technology, once restricted to large industrial sites, has become more accessible to the public in a wider range of applications. Together with other digital technologies, 3D printers promise to democratise innovation as result for simplifying, expediting and redistributing manufacturing.

The open-source movement was, and still is, instrumental for this change. Following the expiration of the first patents, the RepRap project was an open-source project responsible for the first low-cost 3D printers focused on the general public. Being capable of self-replicating its parts, the RepRap grew popular with members of the Maker movement — one of the main reasons for the popularisation of 3D printing. As a consequence of the increasing popularity, many creative minds are using 3D printers to create new avenues of work against some persistent development problems. Amongst these new-millennia tinkers, the open-source model is extremely popular. As remarkable example, is an open hardware project functioning as a platform for co-design and sharing of health products throughout new digital fabrication technologies.

These cases, amongst other examples of open-source initiatives, will serve to demonstrate some of the major contributions done by open models to the topic, revealing its importance as an enabling mechanism for innovative contributions and disruptive solutions in the 21st.


Samuel Lobao, Attorney in Law (Brazil), L.L.B (Hons) by PUC-MG (Brazil), L.L.M in Intellectual Property (World Intellectual Property Organization — QUT), and M.Phil Candidate in Intellectual Property and Innovation (QUT). While being a complete geek for all kind of technology, Mr Samuel Lobao has a passion for social sciences and law studies. Acknowledging the difficulty of the task, he dedicates his time to understand the constant transformative impacts caused by technological advances in areas such as Cultural Heritage, Intellectual Property, Commerce and Innovation Law. His current work at QUT seeks to understand how 3D-Printing technologies could have a protagonist role in the future of sustainable development.

Session 3


Dr Quentin Pope (QUT Library)

Dr Quentin Pope is a Law Librarian at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). She holds a PhD in Biological Sciences from Moscow State University (MSU), and post-graduate degrees in Earth Sciences (MSU) and Information Management (QUT).

Quentin worked for many years as an Industrial Chemist for mining companies, a Research Fellow at universities and an Information Systems Analyst and Researcher for Cambia advising on patent and non-patent search strategies and bibliographic management. Quentin has published over 40 scientific papers.

Dr Quentin Pope:

Open Agriculture

Can Agriculture Be ‘Open’ If No-One Shares?

Professor Jay Sanderson (University of the Sunshine Coast) and Associate Professor Leanne Wiseman (Griffith University)


As global and domestic initiatives around open agriculture gather pace, it is necessary to consider legal frameworks and issues that may hinder or help the sharing of agricultural data. In this paper, we combine insights from a survey of Australian farmers with a legal analysis of the way in which agricultural data are collected, controlled, shared and used. We argue that the lack of transparency and clarity around issues such as data ownership, privacy and liability in the commercial relationships governing smart farming are contributing to farmers’ reluctance to engage in the widespread sharing of data. At the heart of the concerns is the lack of trust between the farmers as data contributors, and those third parties who collect, aggregate and share their data.


Jay Sanderson is Professor in Law at USC Australia and an Adjunct Research Fellow with the Law Futures Centre (Griffith Law School, Griffith University). Jay researches and publishes in the areas of intellectual property, food and agriculture; his current research focuses on trade marks, certification and BioTrade.


Leanne Wiseman is Associate Director of Australian Centre for Intellectual Property in Agriculture (ACIPA) and an Associate Professor in Law at Griffith University, Brisbane Australia. Leanne is an an interdisciplinary scholar whose research lies at the intersections of law and new and emerging technologies, with particular focus on agriculture. Her research has most recently focused on the legal and trust issues arising from the adoption of digital technologies in agriculture in a national and international context.


Open Data

Open Environmental Data: Strengthening Data Culture and Communities

Bernadette Hyland-Wood (UQ)


Government data, including openly accessible data, serves to inform many important areas of public policy impacting on job creation, public health, energy and the environment. In liberal democracies, open government data are seen to support government transparency, and Right-to-Know laws, and advancement of science. Recently, federal science and environmental organizations with a long history of supplying open data have become the targets of funding cuts. If open government data are located in areas of political contestation, leaders may be tempted to order the concealment or removal of information from public websites. This study describes the potential disruption to scientific knowledge production and applied research when open data management is not prioritized or when a supportive culture for data sharing is lacking. One might expect an erosion of engagement during a period when ‘fake news’ makes daily headlines and evidence-based policymaking seems diminished. Paradoxically, recognition of the benefits of public investment in open data is serving as a rallying cry to scientists and open data advocates worldwide, and to public sector officials in over 70 countries who have adopted the Open Data Charter. The progress of public sector data champions and data-driven research communities forging open access frameworks and policies for sharing, linking and preserving publicly funded data are discussed. Scientists, data advocates and civil society organizations are engaging in informed discussion, defining and promoting robust mechanisms to prioritize, release, share and preserve this public good.

Keywords: evidence-based policy, open access, open data, open government data, open science, right-to-know


Ms. Bernadette Hyland-Wood is a UQ Global Change Scholar and PhD candidate at The University of Queensland School of Political Science and International Studies. Her PhD research is on sustainability of open government data and open science used for research investigations and policymaking. For over a decade, Bernadette pioneered U.S federal and international open data programs for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization. She served as chair of the international W3C Government Linked Data Working Group. Passionate about STEM education, she was on the organising committee for the March for Science (Brisbane 2017) and was an inaugural digital ambassador for the World Science Festival (Brisbane 2018). A driving force for women in engineering, Bernadette was a co-founder of Women in Technology QLD (1997), supporting the professional development of women in STEM fields. Bernadette received the WiT Established Entrepreneur Award sponsored by the Queensland Government and ICT Outstanding Achievement Award (2017).

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Open Robotics

Open versus Proprietary in Robotics: A Trillion Dollar Tension

Professor Michael Milford (QUT Science and Engineering Faculty)


The technological arms race towards ubiquitous robotics, autonomous vehicles and artificial intelligence is one of the greatest in modern history, with speculation of a multi-trillion dollar market. At its core lies a strange tension between open source code and packages, which enables and drives many of the advances in the field, and highly proprietary technology developed in-house within corporations and start-ups. I will provide an overview of this interesting landscape, pointing out success cases in the robotics open access community, and detail some of the key ongoing and future challenges and opportunities.


Professor Milford conducts interdisciplinary research at the boundary between robotics, neuroscience and computer vision and is a multi-award winning educational entrepreneur. His research models the neural mechanisms in the brain underlying tasks like navigation and perception to develop new technologies in challenging application domains such as all-weather, anytime positioning for autonomous vehicles. He is also one of Australia’s most in demand experts in technologies including self-driving cars, robotics and artificial intelligence, and is a passionate science communicator. He currently holds the position of Professor at the Queensland University of Technology, as well as Australian Research Council Future Fellow, Microsoft Research Faculty Fellow and Chief Investigator at the Australian Centre for Robotic Vision.

Session 4


Associate Professor Tina Cockburn (Australian Centre for Health Law Research)

Tina Cockburn TEP is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law at the Queensland University of Technology, Co-Director of the Australian Centre for Health Law Research, a sessional member of the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) and a member of the Queensland Law Society Health and Disability Law Committee.

Open Medicine

Open to Whom? Questions about Innovation and Access in the Health Sector

Dr Bruce Baer Arnold (University of Canberra)


It is axiomatic that best practice in the development and delivery of health services involves openness: scrutiny by clinicians, researchers, policymakers and consumers. Openness as a matter of principle and practice may conflict with regulatory capture and with regulatory incapacity, in particular bureaucratic perceptions that ‘access’ to information involves inordinate administrative costs or inhibits the proper functioning of government. It is at odds with publishing practice that sees researchers in the North and South priced out of access. It more directly conflicts with traditional incentives for innovation through patent and other law providing investors with scope for egregious rent-seeking. That conflict is exacerbated by institutional cultures that emphasise commercialisation rather than ‘open science’. The presentation draws together practitioner regulation, intellectual property, freedom of information, confidentiality and contract law in exploring the scope for ‘open health’ as a basis for innovation in the emerging world of precision medicine and an agenda item for institutional reform.


Dr Bruce Baer Arnold teaches contract, intellectual property and innovation law at the University of Canberra. His research centres on law regarding access to information (in particular privacy, trade secrets and patents) and regulatory failure in the health sector. He is currently writing about genomic privacy principles and practice. He is on the editorial board of Privacy Law Bulletin and an OECD Health Information Infrastructure panellist. His work has appeared in Melbourne University Law Review, Journal of Medical Ethics, International Journal of Communication Law & Policy, Local Government Law Journal, Alternative Law Journal and other publications.

Open Biology

Opening up Biology? Evolution, or Revolution, of a Discipline

Associate Professor Wendy Bonython (Bond University)


The study and observation of the natural world has long been a feature of human development. For much of that time, such study and observation, and reporting of its findings, has been undertaken by curious — or even accidental — amateurs. The rise of the professional scientist is only a comparatively recent phenomenon.

Professionalisation of biology has been a mixed experience for the discipline. Formalisation of training and education of scientists has been accompanied by increasingly restricted dissemination of data, and rigorous protection of discovery, often enforced by law, in a way that is inconsistent with fundamental principles of scientific enquiry. For sub-disciplines with greater commercialisation potential, such as medicine and established biotechnologies, professionalisation, protection, and ‘closed’ access have become the standardised — and arguably sustainable — way of doing business. For other subdisciplines of biology with fewer immediately-discernible economic benefits, and basic biological research, funding is scarce, opportunities for return on investment are fewer, and engagement is more likely to be based on pure scientific curiosity, or even altruism, than profit. ‘Open biology’ models, accompanied by adequate, but potentially different, protection mechanisms may represent an alternative to the existing dominant model of closed knowledge and intellectual property protection.


Associate Professor Wendy Bonython is a cross-disciplinary researcher at Bond University. Her research interests include the law and ethics of health, medical, and scientific technology research and regulation.

Open Neuroscience

Open Innovation through Open Neuroscience, Open Science

Scott Kiel-Chisholm (QUT Faculty of Law)


Traditionally, patents are sought to protect the outcomes of neuroscientific research. In 2016, the Montreal Neurological Institute (the Neuro) at McGill University in Montreal, Canada established the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute, the first open science institute in the world. This presentation explores the Neuro’s Open Science initiative — open data, open materials and no patenting — the unique vision that radically transformed the way the Neuro provides access to knowledge. This includes an investigation of the Neuro’s Open Science model and the research benefits sought with this alternative to proprietary models of protection under patent law.


Scott Kiel-Chisholm is a Lecturer at the Queensland University of Technology Law School and is a PhD Candidate in Law at The University of Queensland and his thesis, currently under examination, is titled ‘Civil Liability Challenges for Neural Interface Devices: Reconceptualising the Law’. See Research with Impact.

Scott is a researcher with the Intellectual Property and Innovation Law Research Program at QUT focusing on Regulating Life Sciences and Robotics and the Law. These areas are intertwined with neural interface devices and enable the continuation of the research undertaken in his PhD. He is also the unit coordinator of the new QUT Online subject, Think Like a Lawyer in the Digital World, the foundation subject in the new Graduate Certificate in Data and New Technology Law.


Professor Virginia Barbour, ‘Not a Simple Relationship: Ensuring that Open Scholarship Maximises Equity and Benefit across Education’, QUT IP and Innovation Law Research Program, 24 October 2019,

Dr Paul Harpur with Michael Ashley Stein, ‘The Impact of the Marrakesh Treaty on the Print Disabled in the Global South’, QUT IP and Innovation Law Research Program, 24 October 2019,

Professor Matthew Rimmer, ‘Georgia on my Mind: Carl Malamud, Public.Resource.Org, Copyright Law, Government Edicts, and Access to Justice’, QUT IP and Innovation Law Research Program, 24 October 2019,

Dr Joanne Gray, ‘The Intergenerational Cultural Implications of Automated Regulatory Technologies in Digital Media Environments’, QUT IP and Innovation Law Research Program, 24 October 2019,

Brydon Timothy Wang, ‘Open Cities: Openness as a basis for Trustworthiness in Smart Cities’, QUT IP and Innovation Law Research Program, 24 October 2019,

Samuel de Souza Teixeira Lobao, ‘3D Printing, Sustainable Development and Openness: The Importance of Open-Source to Enable Disruptive Solutions in the 21st Century’, QUT IP and Innovation Law Research Program, 24 October 2019,

Professor Jay Sanderson and Associate Professor Leanne Wiseman, ‘Can Agriculture Be ‘Open’ If No-One Shares?’, QUT IP and Innovation Law Research Program, 24 October 2019,

Bernadette Hyland-Wood, ‘Open Environmental Data: Strengthening Data Culture and Communities’, QUT IP and Innovation Law Research Program, 24 October 2019,

Professor Michael Milford, ‘Open versus Proprietary in Robotics: A Trillion Dollar Tension’, QUT IP and Innovation Law Research Program, 24 October 2019,

Dr Bruce Baer Arnold, ‘Open to Whom? Questions about Innovation and Access in the Health Sector’, QUT IP and Innovation Law Research Program, 24 October 2019,

Associate Professor Wendy Bonython, ‘Opening Up Biology? Evolution, Or Revolution, Of A Discipline’, QUT IP and Innovation Law Research Program, 24 October 2019,

Scott Kiel-Chisholm, ‘Open Innovation through Open Neuroscience, Open Science’, QUT IP and Innovation Law Research Program, 24 October 2019,



Matthew Rimmer
Matthew Rimmer

Written by Matthew Rimmer

Professor of Intellectual Property and Innovation Law, QUT. #IP #Copyright #Patent #Trademark #plainpacks #Access2meds #SDGs #Climate #IndigenousIP #trade #TPP

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