Scientific Makerspaces

Remaking the Maker Movement

Matthew Rimmer
5 min readFeb 12, 2021

QUT Faculty of Business and Law

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Z1064, Gibson Room, Level 10, Z Block

QUT Gardens Point Campus

Session 2 — Scientific Makerspaces (11:30 am — 11:50 am)

11:30 am — 11:50 am

Soft Matter Materials Laboratory

Dr Sarah Walden, QUT


3D printing is a ubiquitous fabrication method in advanced manufacturing. Whilst many methods of 3D printing have been developed, light-based techniques are particularly attractive due to the spatio-temporal control and high precision in the delivered energy. In this talk I will highlight some of our research group’s work in developing novel light-based 3D printing resists designed for a myriad of different applications.


Sarah L. Walden received a B.Math/BAppSc(Phys) (Hons) from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia, in 2012. She then went on to complete a PhD investigating the nonlinear optical properties of semiconductor nanoparticles in 2017. Her research interests are in the area of light-matter interactions and nonlinear optical properties of materials. She is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow between the Soft Matter Materials Laboratory at QUT and the Karsluhe Institute of Technology (KIT), investigating new materials for sub-diffraction resolution lithography.

11:50 am — 12:10 pm

Bioprinting, the Internet of Bodies, Intellectual Property, and Human Rights

Dr Bruce Baer Arnold, the University of Canberra


The ‘right to health’ raises fundamental questions about intellectual property law rather than merely rationing of public/private health services to those most in need, most in pain or most able to pay for a spot at the front of the queue. This presentation explores making, IP and regulation by discussing bioprinting and the internet of bodies (IoB). Bioprinting (aka biofabrication) — a next generation technology — promises to revolutionise healthcare through the printing of skin, organs and bone using material cultured from a recipient. That blue sky contrasts with the emergence of conventional 3D printing for the internet of bodies, in other words one-off making by health service providers of medical devices that range from prosthetic limbs and joints through to smart implantable monitors, pumps and other tools as a subset of the inanimate internet of things. Literature about the IOB has centred on tracking and the human right to privacy. There has been less attention to patent, affordability and medical device regulation. The presentation introduces bioprinting and 3D printing aspects of the IoB, highlights patent challenges, and argues that the right to health offers a lens for resolving questions about access, device regulation and IP.


Dr Arnold teaches technology and intellectual property law at the University of Canberra. He has a particular interest in disruptive technologies such as robotics and 3D printing, alongside regulatory capture and human rights in high technology markets. Recent publication has considered law around cryonics and rights language around implants.

12:10 pm — 12:30 pm

Shane Rattenbury, The Productivity Commission, and The Right To Repair: Intellectual Property and Sustainable Development

Professor Matthew Rimmer, QUT


This presentation considers the role of the maker movement in the debate over the right to repair in Australia against the background of a larger discussion of intellectual property and sustainable development. It examines the advocacy of ACT Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury on calling for the Productivity Commission to conduct a research investigation into the right to repair. This talk draws upon a 2020 interview with Shane Rattenbury — as well as fieldwork at Substation33, and engagement with civil society organisations. This paper considers the role of innovation spaces — such as repair cafes, fab labs, and makerspaces — in developing a culture of recycling and repair. It also considers the UNDRP’s establishment of a network of Accelerator Labs to accelerate the realization of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development goals. This presentation contends that Australia’s intellectual property laws are fragmented and fractured in the ways, in which they deal with the right to repair. It calls upon the Productivity Commission to push for law reform to enable a holistic approach to the right to repair under Australia’s intellectual property laws. This paper argues that there is a need to recognize a broad right to repair in Australia in order to enhance consumer rights, and competition policy. Moreover, as ACT Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury has argued, the recognition of a right to repair will also support a circular economy, sustainable development, and climate action in Australia.


Dr Matthew Rimmer is a Professor in Intellectual Property and Innovation Law at the Faculty of Business and Law, at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). He has published widely on copyright law and information technology, patent law and biotechnology, access to medicines, plain packaging of tobacco products, intellectual property and climate change, Indigenous Intellectual Property, and intellectual property and trade. He is undertaking research on intellectual property and 3D printing; the regulation of robotics and artificial intelligence; and intellectual property and public health (particularly looking at the coronavirus COVID-19). His work is archived at QUT ePrints, SSRN Abstracts, Bepress Selected Works, and Open Science Framework.

Rimmer is currently working as a Chief Investigator on an ARC Discovery Project on ‘Inventing The Future: Intellectual Property and 3D Printing’ (2017–2020). This project aims to provide guidance for industry and policy-makers about intellectual property, three-dimensional (3D) printing, and innovation policy. It will consider the evolution of 3D printing, and examine its implications for the creative industries, branding and marketing, manufacturing and robotics, clean technologies, health-care and the digital economy. The project will examine how 3D printing disrupts copyright law, designs law, trade mark law, patent law and confidential information. The project expects to provide practical advice about intellectual property management and commercialisation, and boost Australia’s capacity in advanced manufacturing and materials science. Along with Dinusha Mendis and Mark Lemley, Rimmer is the editor of the collection, 3D Printing and Beyond: Intellectual Property and Regulation (Edward Elgar, 2019). He is also engaged in fieldwork on makerspaces, fab labs, tech shops, Maker Faires, and hackerspaces; and has been conducting interviews with members of the Maker Movement.

Session 2 — Scientific Makerspaces (11:30 am — 12:30 pm)

Dr Sarah Walden, ‘Soft Matter Materials Laboratory’, Remaking the Maker Movement, QUT Faculty of Business and Law, 3 February 2021,

Dr Bruce Baer Arnold, ‘Bioprinting, the Internet of Bodies, Intellectual Property, and Human Rights’, Remaking the Maker Movement, QUT Faculty of Business and Law, 3 February 2021,

Professor Matthew Rimmer, ‘Shane Rattenbury, the Productivity Commission, and the Right to Repair: Intellectual Property and Sustainable Development’, Remaking the Maker Movement, QUT Faculty of Business and Law, 3 February 2021,



Matthew Rimmer
Matthew Rimmer

Written by Matthew Rimmer

Professor of Intellectual Property and Innovation Law, QUT. #IP #Copyright #Patent #Trademark #plainpacks #Access2meds #SDGs #Climate #IndigenousIP #trade #TPP

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